My Life in Bridgeton
By Widman
November 20 was an important day because I arrived to Bridgeton from North Carolina. I came with my parents. I was scared! I have learn some new things since I have been here.
At first, I did not like Bridgeton. It was very different from North Carolina, my home town. It seems quieter and less interesting. I felt homesick for the excitement of North Carolina. Since than I have become more comfortable in Bridgeton now. I like it much better! I Have visited the Museum of Art in New York. I loved all the interesting paintings. Now I think that Bridgeton is as exciting as North Carolina.
When I arrived, I already knew a lot of English but I still needed some practice. It has not been easy because English is not an easy language. I am proud of my English now. I have also learned a lot about American culture. I have met many interesting people. I am beginning to feel at home in Bridgeton.
I plan to stay in Bridgeton until I finish 7th grade. Then, I plan to go to Mexico. I really don't know what’s going to happen in the future. Now I am just enjoying the present.